Max Mitchell 40 Yard Dash Time

Max Mitchell Top Speed

40 Yard Dash Time

5.32 seconds

Max Mitchell is a NFL player from Monroe, LA, who plays in offensive tackle position. His college is Louisiana and has an athleticism score of 56.58. Max Mitchell has a 40 yard dash time of 5.32 seconds.


  • Twitchy, crisp punch lands with good timing and authority.
  • Uses independent hand approach effectively in pass protection.
  • Athletic and pesky to stay in the rusher's face when mirroring.
  • Has been well-schooled on hand usage and placement.
  • Has traits and experience to play either tackle position.
  • Plays with controlled short-area movement as run blocker.
  • Consistent strain and hustle to stay connected to his block.
  • Tough, durable team leader.
  • Hustles to get feet and hips into position to help seal off the run lane.
  • Plenty of slide quickness to meet speed off the edge.
  • Initial quicks to make the cut-off and reach blocks.


  • Doesn't always play to his arm length.
  • Inconsistent to cinch up and control attackers with his hands.
  • Needs to keep feet moving and engaged at the top of the rush.
  • Lacks consistent calm during mirror and scramble situations.
  • Can improve at bringing feet with him through the run block.
  • Glitchy redirection with his feet against an inside move.

NameMax Mitchell
40 Yards Dash5.32 seconds
Positionoffensive tackle
Data Year2022
Arm Length33.5 inches
College ClassSenior
Weight307 lbs
Height78.25 inches

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