Darian Kinnard 40 Yard Dash Time

Darian Kinnard Top Speed

40 Yard Dash Time

5.31 seconds

Darian Kinnard is a NFL player from Knoxville, TN, who plays in offensive guard position. His college is Kentucky and has an athleticism score of 51. Darian Kinnard has a 40 yard dash time of 5.31 seconds.


  • Premium wingspan with enormous hands.
  • Adequate hand strength to cut short his opponent's rush plan.
  • Torques and turns defender out of the gap.
  • Frame and strength will make him a challenge to circumvent inside.
  • Ankle flexion improves his anchor.
  • Able to generate instant movement when his technique is right.
  • Looks for physical, nasty block finishes.
  • Offers roster value as emergency right tackle.
  • Oak tree frame with proportional thickness throughout.
  • Maintains balance and posture when punching.
  • Enough range to handle short and long pull-blocking tasks.


  • Sloppy feet diminish contact balance.
  • Oversetting needs to be monitored and corrected.
  • Hugs and engulfs rather than working with inside hand placement.
  • Struggles to get block centered and keep it there.
  • Lackadaisical approach in his pass punch.
  • His mirroring cracks during second half of the rush.
  • Spends too much time on the ground.
  • Falls off the block due to narrow drive steps.
  • Needs improved technique for double teams and work-up blocks.

NameDarian Kinnard
40 Yards Dash5.31 seconds
Positionoffensive guard
Data Year2022
Arm Length35 inches
College ClassSenior
Weight322 lbs
Height77.375 inches

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