Suzuki Top Speed

Grand vitara xl-7 (ht)

170.00 km/h

or 105.63 mp/h

General information
Model Grand Vitara
Generation Grand Vitara XL-7 (HT)
Modification (Engine) 2.7 i V6 (172 Hp) 4WD
Start of production 1998 year
End of production 2005 year
Powertrain Architecture Internal Combustion engine
Body typeOff-road vehicle
Seats 5
Doors 5
Performance specs
Fuel consumption (economy) - urban 13.8 l/100 km 17.04 US mpg20.47 UK mpg7.25 km/l
Fuel consumption (economy) - extra urban 9.1 l/100 km 25.85 US mpg31.04 UK mpg10.99 km/l
Fuel Type Petrol (Gasoline)
Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h10.5 sec
Acceleration 0 - 62 mph10.5 sec
Acceleration 0 - 60 mph 10 sec
Maximum speed 170 km/h 105.63 mph
Weight-to-power ratio 10 kg/Hp, 100.3 Hp/tonne
Weight-to-torque ratio 7.1 kg/Nm, 140.5 Nm/tonne
Engine specs
Power 172 Hp @ 5500 rpm.
Power per litre 62.8 Hp/l
Torque 241 Nm @ 4000 rpm. 177.75 lb.-ft. @ 4000 rpm.
Engine location Front, Longitudinal
Engine Model/Code H27A
Engine displacement 2737 cm3 167.02 cu. in.
Number of cylinders 6
Position of cylinders V-engine
Cylinder Bore 88 mm 3.46 in.
Piston Stroke 75 mm 2.95 in.
Compression ratio 9.4
Number of valves per cylinder 4
Fuel System Multi-point indirect injection
Engine aspiration Naturally aspirated engine
Valvetrain DOHC
Engine oil capacity 5.5 l 5.81 US qt | 4.84 UK qt
Oil viscosity No Data
Coolant 8 l 8.45 US qt | 7.04 UK qt
Space, Volume and weights
Kerb Weight 1715 kg 3780.93 lbs.
Max. weight 2230 kg 4916.31 lbs.
Max load 515 kg 1135.38 lbs.
Trunk (boot) space - minimum 187 l 6.6 cu. ft.
Trunk (boot) space - maximum 2067 l 73 cu. ft.
Fuel tank capacity 64 l 16.91 US gal | 14.08 UK gal
Length 4665 mm 183.66 in.
Width 1780 mm 70.08 in.
Height 1727 mm 67.99 in.
Wheelbase 2800 mm 110.24 in.
Front track 1500 mm 59.06 in.
Rear (Back) track 1500 mm 59.06 in.
Drivetrain, brakes and suspension specs
Drive wheel All wheel drive (4x4)
Number of Gears (manual transmission) 5
Front suspension Wishbone
Rear suspension Helical spring
Front brakesVentilated discs
Rear brakesDrum
Assisting systemsABS (Anti-lock braking system)
Steering type Steering rack and pinion
Power steering Hydraulic Steering
Tires size 235/60 R16
Wheel rims size16