General information
Model Neon
Generation Neon II
Modification (Engine) 2.0 i (152 Hp)
Start of production 1999 year
End of production 2005 year
Powertrain Architecture Internal Combustion engine
Body typeSedan
Seats 5
Doors 4
Performance specs
Fuel consumption (economy) - urban 8.4 l/100 km 28 US mpg33.63 UK mpg11.9 km/l
Fuel consumption (economy) - extra urban 6.7 l/100 km 35.11 US mpg42.16 UK mpg14.93 km/l
Fuel Type Petrol (Gasoline)
Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h7.7 sec
Acceleration 0 - 62 mph7.7 sec
Acceleration 0 - 60 mph 7.3 sec
Maximum speed 200 km/h 124.27 mph
Weight-to-power ratio 7.8 kg/Hp, 128.8 Hp/tonne
Weight-to-torque ratio 6.3 kg/Nm, 157.6 Nm/tonne
Engine specs
Power 152 Hp @ 6500 rpm.
Power per litre 76.2 Hp/l
Torque 186 Nm @ 4000 rpm. 137.19 lb.-ft. @ 4000 rpm.
Engine location Front, Transverse
Engine displacement 1996 cm3 121.8 cu. in.
Number of cylinders 4
Position of cylinders Inline
Cylinder Bore 87.5 mm 3.44 in.
Piston Stroke 83 mm 3.27 in.
Compression ratio 9.8
Number of valves per cylinder 4
Fuel System Multi-point indirect injection
Engine aspiration Naturally aspirated engine
Valvetrain OHC
Space, Volume and weights
Kerb Weight 1180 kg 2601.45 lbs.
Max. weight 1580 kg 3483.3 lbs.
Max load 400 kg 881.85 lbs.
Trunk (boot) space - minimum 371 l 13.1 cu. ft.
Fuel tank capacity 47 l 12.42 US gal | 10.34 UK gal
Length 4430 mm 174.41 in.
Width 1712 mm 67.4 in.
Height 1422 mm 55.98 in.
Wheelbase 2667 mm 105 in.
Front track 1474 mm 58.03 in.
Rear (Back) track 1472 mm 57.95 in.
Drivetrain, brakes and suspension specs
Drivetrain Architecture The Internal combustion engine (ICE) drives the front wheels of the vehicle.
Drive wheel Front wheel drive
Number of Gears (manual transmission) 5
Front suspension Spring Strut
Rear suspension Spring Strut
Front brakesVentilated discs
Rear brakesDisc
Assisting systemsABS (Anti-lock braking system)
Steering type Steering rack and pinion
Power steering Hydraulic Steering
Tires size 195/50 R16
Wheel rims size16