General information
Model Rocsta
Generation Rocsta
Modification (Engine) 1.8 i 4x4 (86 Hp)
Start of production 1993 year
End of production 1997 year
Powertrain Architecture Internal Combustion engine
Body typeOff-road vehicle
Seats 4
Doors 3
Performance specs
Fuel consumption (economy) - combined 12.2 l/100 km 19.28 US mpg23.15 UK mpg8.2 km/l
Fuel Type Petrol (Gasoline)
Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h16 sec
Acceleration 0 - 62 mph16 sec
Acceleration 0 - 60 mph 1.9 sec
Maximum speed 127 km/h 78.91 mph
Weight-to-power ratio 15.5 kg/Hp, 64.7 Hp/tonne
Weight-to-torque ratio 9.9 kg/Nm, 101.5 Nm/tonne
Engine specs
Power 86 Hp @ 5500 rpm.
Power per litre 48.1 Hp/l
Torque 135 Nm @ 3500 rpm. 99.57 lb.-ft. @ 3500 rpm.
Engine location Front, Longitudinal
Engine displacement 1789 cm3 109.17 cu. in.
Number of cylinders 4
Position of cylinders Inline
Cylinder Bore 86 mm 3.39 in.
Piston Stroke 77 mm 3.03 in.
Compression ratio 8
Number of valves per cylinder 2
Fuel System Carburettor
Engine aspiration Naturally aspirated engine
Valvetrain OHC
Space, Volume and weights
Kerb Weight 1330 kg 2932.15 lbs.
Max. weight 1700 kg 3747.86 lbs.
Max load 370 kg 815.71 lbs.
Trunk (boot) space - minimum 110 l 3.88 cu. ft.
Trunk (boot) space - maximum 470 l 16.6 cu. ft.
Fuel tank capacity 65 l 17.17 US gal | 14.3 UK gal
Length 3585 mm 141.14 in.
Width 1690 mm 66.54 in.
Height 1820 mm 71.65 in.
Wheelbase 2130 mm 83.86 in.
Front track 1295 mm 50.98 in.
Rear (Back) track 1295 mm 50.98 in.
Drivetrain, brakes and suspension specs
Drive wheel All wheel drive (4x4)
Number of Gears (manual transmission) 5
Front suspension Leaf spring
Rear suspension Leaf spring
Front brakesDisc
Rear brakesDrum
Steering type Worm-reduction unit
Power steering Hydraulic Steering
Tires size 215/75 R15